دراسات في التخلف العقلي

Comparing the Effectiveness and
Efficiency of Two Methods of
Teaching Geometric Shape Concepts
to Students with Mental Retardation
Rüya Güzel ÖZMEN*, Hilmi ÜNAL**
The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness and efficiency of
two teaching models, the expository presentation of Merrill and Tennyson’s
model and Gagne’s model, in acquisition and maintenance of square and triangle
concepts in students with mental retardation. The participants of the study
were chosen from students with mental retardation who attended a private special
education center located in Kahramanmaras. Three boys and one girl participated
in the research. The design of the study was an adapted alternating treatment
design. Two criterion referenced tests were developed and administrated
to assess the discrimination levels of square and triangle in participating students.
The results of the study showed that the Gagne model was more effective
than the Merrill and Tennyson model on the concept acquisition and maintenance
in two of the participants. However, the effectiveness of two models
did not differ significantly in the remaining two participants. Both models were
equally effective with these students. The results also showed that the Gagne
model required less teaching time with three participating students compared
to the Merrill and Tennyson model. Results of the study were discussed
and recommendations for further research were provided.
Key Words
Concept Acquisition, Instructional Effectiveness, Mental Retardation
2008 E¤itim Dan›flmanl›¤› ve Araflt›rmalar› ‹letiflim Hizmetleri Tic. Ltd. fiti.
Correspondence: Associate Prof. Rüya Güzel ÖZMEN, Gazi University, Education Faculty, L Blok
Teknik okullar Ankara-Turkey/
E-mail: ruyaozmen@hotmail.com
**Hilmi ÜNAL, MA., Ya¤mur Su Özel E¤itim Okulu Kahramanmarafl-Turkey
E-mail: unalhilmi@mynet.com
Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice
8 (2) • May 2008 • 669-680

المقارنة بين الفعالية والكفاءة الخاصة باثنين من الأساليب
المستخدمة فى تدريس المفاهيم الهندسية الخاصة
بالطلاب الذين يعانون من مرض
التخلف العقلى

رويا جوزيل أوزمين*، حلمى أونال**

التعريف المجرد

إن الغرض من هذه الدراسة يتمثل فى المقارنة بين الفعالية والكفاءة الخاصة باثنين من النماذج 

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رقم الدراسة 456263


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